Best Tips for surviving the Christmas party

Best Tips for Surviving the Christmas Party: We’re in full swing of the festive season, and that means a lot of events to mark down on our social calendars. If you get tired of the unending parties by Christmas day, we have something for you. Whether it’s a get-together with your closest people or an office Christmas party, you don’t have to lose sleep during party season.

Employing some clever strategies like alcohol swapping with water at each point and heading straight for the sprouts (yes, really) can reduce sleep disruption. Addressing sleep deprivation is important because, without enough rest, our bodies won’t be able to function at their best. This can compromise our immune system and impair our cognitive functions, such as memory and decision-making (the prefrontal cortex).

Don’t end up completely drained out by this day. Below, we will explore the best tips for surviving the Christmas party without sacrificing your sleep. Let’s jump into it.

Use the ‘half and half’ technique

Although alcohol may make you feel relaxed and sleepy at first, it is one of the most significant disruptors of our sleep quality. Although it is common to fall asleep quickly after drinking alcohol, falling into a deep sleep after drinking alcohol can disrupt the natural stages of sleep that our bodies require to properly replenish themselves.

Consider using the “half and half” approach as an alternative. This is the time when you should have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. By alternating your alcohol consumption with water, you allow your liver to properly process the alcohol you’ve already consumed before ingesting more. Because alcohol is a diuretic, which causes the body to lose water when consumed, it will also help prevent dehydration, so a headache shouldn’t keep you awake at night.

Take a quick power nap

Take a quick power nap
Take a quick power nap

The significance of a sleep schedule in terms of overall sleep quality cannot be overstated. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day assists your body to develop a healthy sleep routine in which your sleep needs are consistently met.

Of course, sleep schedules tend to fall through the cracks during the holiday season. You may make up for any late nights with a lunchtime power nap to ensure that you’re getting enough sleep for your body to function properly. Remember to keep your nap to around 20 minutes to avoid falling asleep too deeply, and don’t nap too late in the day or you’ll have trouble falling asleep later that night.

Consume foods high in protein during parties

Consume foods high in protein during parties
Consume foods high in protein during parties

Party food high in protein is what you should look for instead of sugary snacks that will keep you up late. Protein-rich foods digest slowly, whereas sugary snacks quickly cause a glucose low by flooding your bloodstream with glucose. This will help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Turkey, smoked salmon, cheese, and chicken are excellent sources of high-protein party fare. Additionally, the amino acid tryptophan, which aids in melatonin synthesis, is present in these foods. The hormone that signals to your body and brain when it’s time to go to sleep is called melatonin.

Eat a lot of sprouts

Bitter-tasting vegetables, including cabbage, parsnips, kale, and, yes, sprouts, are cruciferous, which means they stimulate your liver’s natural detoxification process. This is good news for your sleep quality, especially if you’re planning to drink a few drinks. However, it’s important to note that eating cruciferous vegetables right before bed may mean that your body will still be trying to digest them before bed. Eat plenty of your vegetables, but not too late at night.

Give your sleep a high priority

Oh, what a humbug! But allow me to explain. Obtaining adequate sleep is essential for maintaining good health, so it should be your top priority. While a few power naps and early nights can usually make up for an occasional party, it can be more difficult, if not impossible, to repay the sleep debt that accumulates from too many late nights. Make sure to leave time on your schedule for rest periods in between all the festivities. Your body will be grateful.

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